Car Air Conditioning in Sutton Coldfield

To get started, simply select the caircon option required from the options below. Not sure which gas you need for your vehicle? Call our friendly garage in Sutton Coldfield on 0121 351 1097 and our team will assist you.
The online booking options are just a connection fee, for a more accurate price for your vehicle please contact us.
Here at MOT Auto Repairs Limited, we have recently invested in new dual gas air conditioning equipment so we can provide our customers with air-con regas services for both R134a and the new R1234yf Gas. Simply book your car air conditioning service online today using our interactive booking system.
It is generally recommended that your vehicle receives and air conditioning regas every 2 years. This helps to ensure that the system stays running optimally and hygienically as an empty air conditioning system can be prone to bacterial build-up.

Benefits of an Aircon Service

aircon equipment - Car Air Conditioning Sutton Coldfield