Tyres in Sutton Coldfield

Order tyres online at exceptional prices in Sutton Coldfield

*Please be aware tyres can take up to 24 hours for to arrive at the garage*.
Order your cheap car tyres online with MOT Auto Repairs Limited in Sutton Coldfield and browse through a full range of tyres from budget to premium brands like Goodyear, Dunlop, Michelin, Pirelli and more as well as summer, winter and specialist tyres. You can order your tyres online using our booking system and they will arrive to us in time for your chosen fitting date.
Being the only thing separating your car from the road, good quality tyres are essential for the overall performance and safety of your vehicle. Whilst all new tyres sold in the UK are required to conform to a series of minimum standards, we believe that a premium tyre offers the best performance, durability and safety.
Budget tyres are developed with a strict price point in mind, this is reflected in the quality of materials used in their construction to the technologies employed during their development. By contrast a premium tyre will be developed with the intention of creating the best tyre possible, using superior materials and the latest technologies. The results often speak for themselves with premium tyres being harder wearing and better performing.
It is essential that the tyres on your vehicle are all maintained to the proper standard. If you are stopped and your tyres have insufficient tread you could face a fine and points on your licence. Not only this, but tyres with minimal tread do not produce the same grip or traction and can be incredibly unsafe to drive on posing a serious risk to yourself, your passengers and other road users.
If you have any further questions regarding which tyres to order you can contact us in Sutton Coldfield on 0121 351 1097 or send us a message using our contact form.
Mechanic pulling out a tyre from stock - Tyres Sutton Coldfield