Car Diagnostics in Sutton Coldfield

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Book car diagnostics plugin with MOT Auto Repairs Limited serving Sutton Coldfield and local areas using our online booking system

If you have noticed a warning light come on, or if you are experiencing engine stalling or performance issues then a diagnostic plugin is the first step in assessing where the problem lies. Using the latest technologies and applying specialist training and experience we are able to provide comprehensive diagnostic testing and analysis at our garage in Sutton Coldfield.
A diagnostic plugin involves connecting directly to your vehicles ECU (Engine Control Unit) and taking a reading of the data stored there. The ECU contains information gathered by numerous sensors located around the vehicle. These sensors monitor many of the key systems across the vehicle, any errors they detect is fed back to the ECU which will often display these errors as a warning light on the dashboard.
The ECU is responsible for monitoring a wide array of systems, we are able to provide diagnostics for all of these including:
For any diagnostics issues or questions about the diagnostics test call our highly trained mechanics on 0121 351 1097 or send us a message using our contact form.
Car Diagnostics Sutton Coldfield