Car Servicing in Sutton Coldfield

To get started, simply select one of the service options you require from the options below.

Book car servicing online in Sutton Coldfield with MOT Auto Repairs Limited

Book our comprehensive servicing options online today using our live, interactive booking system, it’s a quick and easy way to find the date and time that suits you best. Booking your service has never been easier with this simple system.
Regular servicing is a vital aspect of your vehicles ongoing care. It allows one of our experienced technicians here in Sutton Coldfield to get a good look at your vehicle and assess its overall health whilst providing essential maintenance.
Vehicles with a full service history run for longer, have better fuel efficiency and command a higher resale price. They are also at less of a risk of requiring severe and expensive repairs over their lifetime as servicing allows these issues to be picked up on before they develop into something serious.
At MOT Auto Repairs Limitede in Sutton Coldfield we have two levels of service:
Our Full Service is our most comprehensive and thorough servicing option. It features dozens of checks across the vehicle, new filters, fresh engine oil and a top up of all the vital fluids. It is recommended that road users who regularly meet or exceed 10,000 miles have a Full Service annually.
An Interim Service is a thorough servicing option recommended to be undertaken between your annual service. Low mileage road users may find this sufficient in place of a Full Service every other year. It features dozens of checks across the vehicle and an oil and oil filter change.
*Spark plug pricing for petrol vehicles may vary on calculated service cost.
If you have any questions regarding servicing and which option would be most suitable for you then feel free to contact our friendly team on 0121 351 1097 or send us a message using our contact form.